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Contract and Health Guarantee

We reserve the right to change and revise this contract whenever we so choose. We will always make an effort to keep them updated on this website. Please read through this form before adopting a puppy so that you know in advance what you will be signing when you place your deposit and when you come pick up your puppy. 

We reserve the right to or not to place people on the reservation list for the best interest of each puppy.


Puppies will come to you with a genetic health guarantee that is good until they are 1 year of age.

Please read over the contract below because it is the contract with the health guarantee and spay/neuter details that you will sign when you pick up your puppy.

M&M Mini Benedoodles


Contract For New Puppy



Buyer Signature: ___________________________________ Pickup Date: _______________
Buyer Print Name: __________________________________________________________
Street Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Town: _________________________________ State:____________ Zip Code: __________
Home Phone: _______________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________


The puppy described as: ________________________________________ (Name), __Bernedoodle___ (Breed), ______ (Sex), ____________ (Birth Date), __________________________________ (Color),

________________________________________________________________ (Parents)   was picked up and paid for in full.


                                                                                The Buyer Listed Above Agrees:

* I Will NOT make sudden or drastic food changes as it causes stress and lowers the immune system. Should I choose to change the diet I will mix it as instructed for the first week and transition slowly taking a minimum of a week to do so.  Current food being fed is: ______________________________________________

* I Will NOT expose the puppy to public animal places (example: pet stores, dog parks, places people hike frequently with their dogs) until all vaccines are completed around 4 months old. After vaccines are completed I will socialize my puppy and expose them to new people and places as socialization is a process that must be continued throughout their lives.


* I UNDERSTAND there are NO REFUNDS under any circumstances. I also understand I WAIVE ANY LEGAL RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST BREEDER for ANY REASON and all issues will be handled between breeder and adopter only. Should I have any problems I will contact the breeder through email.


Health Guarantee and Spay/Neuter Agreement

                This puppy has received its first vaccines and to avoid disease the buyer will need to follow up on them. Buyer must have the puppy seen by a licensed vet within 2 business days of pickup date and send the breeder a copy of the visit within 2 business days of purchase to be received by breeder through the U.S. Postal Service mail or health guarantee is void.  Emailing a copy of vet visit is also acceptable but it is the buyer’s responsibility to make sure it was received and the breeder was able to print it out.  If the breeder is not able to print it out a copy must be sent via U.S. postal mail.

                Should the puppy be proven to have an incurable genetic life-threatening illness by 1 year of age up to the following date _____________ breeder will need a written notification from 2 vets from different vet practices stating this upon diagnosis along with all testing results from both. The puppy must also be put to sleep at buyer’s expense. The breeder will replace the puppy with the first available puppy of same breed and value from the breeder's stock as soon as a puppy comes available. No refunds will be given and no further health guarantees apply. Breeder assumes no responsibility for expenses of any kind including vet or any travel fees incurred. Buyer is responsible for any travel fees for replacing the puppy.

                Should the puppy die unexpectedly within the 1-year time frame a necropsy must be performed and a diagnosis of an incurable Genetic illness must be proven to be the cause of death. Copies of necropsy results and any paperwork about death must be provided to the breeder. The breeder will replace the puppy with the first available puppy of same breed and value from the breeder's stock as soon as possible. No refunds will be given and no further health guarantees apply. Breeder assumes no responsibility for expenses of any kind including vet or any travel fees incurred. Buyer is responsible for any travel fees for the replacement puppy.


All puppies are sold as a companion/pet quality only. This does not mean that they are or are not show quality/breeder quality.  Buyer agrees to spay or neuter this puppy by 12 months of age. 

$____________ Total Non-Refundable Puppy Adoption Fee
$____________ Minus Deposit Paid
$____________ Owed / Paid Today 



Seller Signature _______________________________________  Picked up Date: _______________

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